Wednesday, January 16, 2013

My artist statement:

   Art to me has always been an escape from reality, no matter the situation i have been able to escape the real world issues and problems and go into my own creative state of mind and create amazing things and even have fun while doing it. Art has been a very easy way for me to express my feelings and how i feel, weather its my randomness, sadness, joy or happiness i have always been able to express the way i feel through any piece of art i do.

        I encourage all of you reading this to go on and create your own art, you could find that it can help you express your feelings and thoughts in many ways. Don't worry about other people criticizing you because art is pretty much you sharing a piece of your imagination to the world and letting people look through a "window" of your mind and thoughts. Your art is who you are and no matter what your art piece is, it is amazing in its own unique way!

-Ezra Lowry

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